Crazy. That’s probably one way to describe the last week or so. Scary, frustrating, and stressful could possibly be other feelings used to illustrate how we’ve felt, and what has happened, since the coronavirus-19 suddenly became more real (COVID-19). I’m not sure anything has ever happened like this before. A friend of mine remembers being off from school seventy years ago, when he was in 1st grade, due to the polio epidemic. My own parents don’t remember being off from school, as they themselves were in the 4th or 5th grade at the time, but like my friend, they remember having limited activities throughout the summer months and waiting for a vaccine; soon enough presented in a sugar cube. Of course there have been other events in our world’s most recent history that have “stopped the presses;” from measles and world wars, to the attack on September 11th. Each was catastrophic in their own right. But this virus seems far reaching beyond any boundaries, and without any care of who is infected. Hence the worldwide shut downs.
Somehow when all is said and done, we’ll look back at this pandemic and recognize our health care providers, and those working in essential businesses, as gold medal recipients like we did our first responders after 9-11. The coronavirus has been a violent disruption of what we’ve come to expect. When you think of those who have suffered from the disease, and maybe even died, the loved ones left behind who couldn’t be around them in the final moments, businesses that have had to close, events canceled, lives and livelihoods turned topsy-turvy, it can be downright depressing. Humanity has been sucker punched. One of the hardest things to swallow is how quickly we’ve moved forward without any time to properly process what’s happened. While some of that was necessary to protect ourselves, and stop the spread of the virus, we’ve not allowed ourselves to mourn the loss. In the midst of being forced to step back and not be engaged with others, people find themselves substituting time with constantly being connected to social media and e-learning. Something is going to give way at some point, over an extended period of time, and you can probably guess it will be in the realm of mental health.
And so we have social distancing to try to “push down the curve” that would otherwise reflect the escalating spread of the disease. It has been with that in mind that I’ve run the local trails; sometimes with friends but always at a distance. It has also been with that in mind that I went out and cut firewood the other day. But it was mostly with that in mind that I chose to go out for an outdoor adventure. It is, after all, our Spring Break. And since we’re not traveling, or even visiting our own parents or son & daughter-in-law to prevent any contamination, I went to the woods. I was technically walking the dog and exercising, but quite simply it was essential to my well being. Regardless, I didn’t see a living soul, so social distancing was a moot issue.
By midmorning I had filled my backpack with the necessary gear, and along with an older pair of waders, lashed them both to an old sled that I intended to use as a sledge over dry land. After hiking a respectable distance, I knew I was going to need to slog through some deeper sloughs, in some backwater areas, so I had to have something to help me haul the equipment it would take to get me through and up onto higher ground. Together with our dog Kora, and my Silver Jeep (now equipped with new shocks and tires), I headed out.
It wasn’t hard to drag the sledge, but I wouldn’t say it was easy either; it was a workout for my back and legs. I was fueled, however, with the desire to try something new to get to someplace familiar. With the area to ourselves, I stuck to fairly worn trails until I came upon a (Northern) bayou draining off an oxbow; swollen from a nearby river that was approaching flood stage.
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The Sledge |
I unlashed the gear, took off my tall boots, and put on my waders and backpack. I left the sledge against a silver maple, and Kora on the bank, until I had found a respectable way across the water. Fortunately I had brought along one of my hiking sticks; this one a relic my Dad had carved for me a few years back. Using it as a staff for balance in the current, I prodded the creek bed in front of me to regulate the depth and determine if there were any underwater structures in my way. About halfway across the slough channel, when the water level was at my chest, I realized I had a slow leak in my waders. I felt cold water seeping down my right leg. It was still better than swimming across this time of the year!
Once I had made it to some higher, dry ground on the far bank, I unloaded my boots and backpack and tried to call Kora over to me. Instead, she looked at me from afar, with an expression that said, “Are you crazy?” and stood her ground. I made my way back, just short of the main channel and managed to coax her into the water and up to me; encouraging her as she swam. She really is a good swimmer, and reminds me of a little otter. I decided the sled turned sledge was fine where I had left it on the far bank until I returned later. Together, Kora and I continued the last 100 feet to where I had dropped my gear. From this point it was a small jaunt back to the river itself. It was running high, which was the main reason I had needed to traverse the runoff of its water in waders. To get back into this section of the woods, however, it was what I had had to do.
I quickly unpacked, cut up some wood (chiefly hickory), and started a fire on the riverbank. While the coals were forming, I took a few pictures and then began preparing our food. I also toweled off Kora and gave her a dry spot on which to lay down. I was determined to enjoy this outing, and try not to rush from one thing to the next without taking the time to ponder and reflect on what’s been happening. Moreover, I felt fortunate at this point to be able to get out and have a chance to enjoy nature. In the distance, and occasionally overhead, we were serenaded by the booming calls of several barred owls, the loud rattling of sandhill cranes, the honking of Canadian geese, the quacking of mallards, and the wailing cries of the shy wood ducks.
Once I had eaten and shared some of the food with Kora, I added cocoa to my hot water and tried to sit for a few minutes. I often feel like a squirrel that is always on the move, but sitting still without having to constantly be doing something is important. Through one mug of hot chocolate I sat and watched the water of the river sweep by, while occasionally adding wood to my small fire.
In addition, I journaled for a spell, took a few extended videos of the fire burning, and then had another mug full of cocoa while reading excerpts from the Bible. Although I skipped around to various versus, I finally found myself centered on Hebrews#11; the chapter called, “The Hall of Faith.” The word faith is mentioned about 27 times in that chapter, and highlights those who came before us who both endured hardships and persevered. Imagine that! Of course while they were living through their trials of life, they didn’t know how things would turn out in the end. Perhaps that’s why the very first verse at the beginning of chapter#12 states, “Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses [those mentioned in chapter#11)], let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.” (NIV) And what a race life is right now; resembling an ultra marathon, an obstacle course, or perhaps the swamps surrounding the backwater areas of a river. I think that’s why I keep seeing and hearing people refer to the mantra of, “Faith over fear, and Peace over panic.” True that! Until then, find the thing that refuels you. For me, on this outing, it was being nearer to nature, and creatively coming up with new ways to do what I like to do. And then, with that energy in your tank, reach out in some way, shape, or form to encourage somebody around you. It will safely help to close the gap on this social distancing.
See you along The Way...
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See you along The Way... |