Together With Justin, Scott & Kora |
It’s the shortest day of the year; the winter solstice. It’s also the day when Jupiter and Saturn align to combine powers, and look as bright as any star in our galaxy due to the Sun’s rays reflecting off their surface. Unfortunately this short day comes within what has arguably felt like the longest year ever (no need to list what’s made it feel this way….we’ve all lived it in our own way). On top of this it’s cloudy tonight, and has been for the last two weeks, other than a brief glimpse this past Thursday night; so we had to miss the climax of the celestial celebration. The positioning of the two largest planets in our Solar System hasn’t happened for 800 years. I’m guessing I’ll probably miss the next go-a-round as well if we have to wait that long for it to occur again.

While the daylight today was technically shorter, I definitely made the most of it. First, I spent time reflecting on last year’s wedding between our son Todd and daughter-in-law Emeris. It was exactly a year ago today that we had been blessed with so many fond memories. In addition, I gathered with my friends Scott and Justin for an adventure in the woods. As friends they had come with their wives last year and helped my wife and me celebrate the wedding.
Cindy And I With Scott & Kelly |
Cindy And I With Justin & Melissa |
Around mid-morning today, Scott, Justin, and I drove separately to the woods in order to maintain social-distancing, but then enjoyed hiking through the river bottoms in the great out-of-doors. Fresh air never felt so good! It’s been quite a haul for us as educators throughout this school year, and so a break to catch our breath was long overdue.
As you may know, I run long distances and enjoy the training process to prepare, but juggling in-person students and remote learners at the same time every day, in every class period, is easily right up there with running an entire marathon. I’m in good shape, but I’m often whooped by the end of those six periods I teach back to back. So although I enjoy running and teaching, the outing today with good friends was a perfect reprieve!

We talked, thrashed through brush (what’s new?), and watched my dog Kora exploring the nooks and crannies within the secret scents of nature. We even found a spot free of snow and grasses to cook our classic skillet over an open fire; each of us feasting on a healthy helping piled high on our plates.
In conversation we enjoyed each other’s company. In silence we realized how long the hiatus has been. Together we overcame the shortest daylight hours of the year, on a cloudy day, in this crazy year. Will wonders ever cease? I hope not!
See you along The Way...
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